C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Brothers Grimm, and H. G. Wells

Contains info on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, The Brothers Grimm, and H. G. Wells. For Tolkien & Lewis information is who they were, what books they wrote, personal relationships, & interpetations of The Chronicles of Narnia & LOTR (how they parallel with the Bible). This site is brought to you from me, the help of a friend & God. For the Brothers Grimm it will include fairy tales, books published, biographies, & any other info I might find on them. H. G. Wells info may just be at random.


I am a writer and plan on publishing after my tour with the USMC. Hopefully I will find someone willing to publish my rather dark works. Hundreds of poems, many short stories, about 7 fairy tales, a few songs and other works.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Books By The Brothers Grimm

To view some of their fairy tales go to Books By The Brothers Grimm to read some I have posted.

Published by both of the Brothers Grimm:

The Grimms' first collection of folktales was not published during their lifetime. It was a manuscript containing 53 stories, some written out in detail, others sketched in brief outline form. In December 1810 they submitted this collection to Clemens Brentano and Achim von Arnim for inclusion in a planned third volume to their successful collection of folk poetry entitled Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Boy's Magic Horn, 3 volumes, 1806, 1808, 1808), which was to be dedicated to folktales. This fairy-tale volume never materialized, and the manuscript was not returned to its authors, but the Grimms' interest in collecting and editing folklore did not die. In 1812 they came out with their own fairy-tale collection.

Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children's and Household Tales), vol. 1, 1812; vol. 2, 1814 (pre-dated 1815).
2nd edition, 1819.volume 3, Anmerkungen (Commentary), 1822.
3rd edition, 1837.
4th edition, 1840.
5th edition, 1843.
6th edition, 1850.
7th edition, 1857.
This final version is the basis for most editions and translations published after the Grimms' death.

The final version of this pioneering collection consists of 200 numbered stories plus ten "Children's Legends." The standard abbreviation for the collection is KHM, from the German title.

Altdeutsche Wälder (Old German Forests), 3 volumes, 1813, 1815, 1816. Miscellaneous writings on linguistics, folklore, and medieval studies.

Der arme Heinrich von Hartmann von der Aue (Poor Heinrich by Harmann von der Aue), 1815. An edition with commentary of an important medieval German epic.

Lieder der alten Edda (Lays from the Elder Edda), 1815.

Deutsche Sagen (German Legends), 2 volumes, 1816, 1818.

Irische Elfenmärchen (Irish Fairy Tales), 1826. This is a translation, with a long and insightful introductory essay, of Thomas Crofton Croker's book Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland (London, 1825).

Deutsches Wörterbuch (German Dictionary), 32 volumes, 1852-1960.
The Grimms themselves saw only the entries A through Forsche of this monumental historical dictionary published during their lifetime. The remaining parts were published by several generations of scholars over a 100 year span.

Published by Jacob Grimm

Deutsche Grammatik (German Grammar), 4 volumes, 1819, 1826, 1831, 1837.

Deutsche Rechtsaltertümer (German Legal Antiquities), 1828.2nd edition, 1854.

Deutsche Mythologie (German Mythology -- also translated as Teutonic Mythology), 1835.
2nd edition, 2 volumes, 1844.
3rd edition, 1854.

Geschichte der deutschen Sprache (History of the German Language), 2 volumes, 1848.2nd edition, 1853.

Published by Wilhelm Grimm

Altdänische Heldenlieder, Balladen und Märchen (Old Danish Heroic Lays, Ballads, and Folktales), 1811. A translation.

Über deutsche Runen (On German Runes), 1821.

Die deutsche Heldensage (The German Heroic Legend), 1829.


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