My Interpetation of Chronicles of Narnia
CoN means The Chronicles of Narnia.
This is not what it should be interpeted as or the actual meanings of things that C. S. Lewis put in his book. This is my interpetation of his book. If you do not agree with the views I put on here email me at Make sure you title this email: About CoN CSLewis Int. If I mess up the names of the characters please email me. Make sure you title this email: About CoN CSLewis Int. Error. If you have any information that could add to what I already have or explain it in better detail email me and I will quote anything you submit with your name at the end of it and it will state Submitted by [your name] Or if I am missing vital information (or information you deem vital or important to interpeting the Chronicles of Narnia. Make sure you title this email: About Con CSLewis Int. Missing Information.
I will put names in later instead of having vague they, she, he, it, etc. later on. (These are marked in red).
Chronicles of Narnia By: Clive Staples Lewis
Why were they drawn into Narnia?
First I would like to talk about why they were drawn into Narnia to begin with. I believe that the main characters Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were pulled into Narnia by Aslan (Jesus, I will talk more of this later on) so that they could experience his love, kindness, passion, forgiveness, care, and more. He brought them into Narnia so they could see Jesus and know him more and so they would further understand why Jesus does certain things and why they should always listen to his word no matter how dangerous or stupid to us it may sound. In a part of the book Lucy was told by Aslan to follow a specific road through a mountain pass. It looked treachous and very dangerous too them and they simply ignored her request to follow the way Aslan showed Lucy- and decided to descend the "easier" path as Susan, Edmund, and Peter saw it. The path they took, brought them down into a gorge where they were attacked by archers and they had to retrace their steps back up the gorge to follow the path Aslan showed to Lucy. God doesn't always show everything to everyone. For example he only showed Lucy the clear path ahead, what it took was the others belief in what she told them that Aslan told her, which they didn't have. We likewise need to trust others that believe in God and get messages from God. (Do be careful and pray about these things though, for there are false prophets).
God/ Jesus (Aslan) wants us to follow him. If we follow God in what he tells us to do, we walk on the path that he has made for us, but if we turn from what He tells us then we no longer walk on the path He has paved for us. "For we like sheep have gone astray..." This verse relates to the following passage from the CoN that I have just gone over. They took their own path instead of following God, but in the end they were brought back to him. Likewise when we fall away from God we can be brought back.
Who do the specific characters and prophecies mirror?
The prophecy of four "men of Adam" coming into Narnia and establishing a new kingdom on the four thrones of Carhavall is the Bible of Narnia. Just like we have a Bible and the scriptures were written, the prophecies of Narnia were written down and later they were fulfilled. Just as the old testament was written and later fulfilled when Christ came into the world.
Aslan is the God and Jesus of our world and is also the ruler of Narnia. When Aslan sacrificed himself on the altar for the Edmund's sin I believe C.S. Lewis is showing Jesus sacrificing his life for the world's sins. He also dwells in the land to the West that people try to get to, but can never find it and never get in by themselves. This can refer to the tower of Babel when man tried to get into Heaven on their own, without God and failed. The land to the west is the Heaven in our world. In the end of the CoN they are killed and get brought back to Narnia by Aslan. They then enter through a door that is supposed to have Tash or "the Baal of Narnia". They are brought into the land of the west and they see Aslan not as a Lion, but as a Lamb. Jesus the Lamb of God. There is a quote out of the book where Jill is asking Aslan a question and he answers it;
"'Do you eat girls?' she said.
'I have swallowed up girls and boys, women and men, kings nad emperors, cities and realms,' said the Lion. It didn't say this as if it were boasting, nor as if it were sorry, nor as if it were angry, it just said it."'
Aslan (God) has swallowed up entire cities and realms, kings and emperors, and people. I will not quote the tons of verses here but if you read in Jeremiah and the old testament you can read about cities that were over thrown (swallowed) by God, people that were overthrown by God (King Saul for example) and much more.
When they leave Narnia for the 2nd time Aslan tells them that they know Him in their world also, but by another name. I think that C. S. Lewis is refering to Aslan is known as Aslan in Narnia but on Earth He is known as God and Jesus Christ.
Narnia's Tash can be related to the beast mentioned in revelation. Tash came into Narnia and people followed Tash believing it to be Aslan (if they didn't believe in the true Aslan already, which would reflect true christians seeing the beast for who he is and not worshiping him) and worshiped Tash. Tash kills people making no barrier between anyone he kills, he just doesn't kill people who believe in Aslan, but people who believe in him, don't believe in him, and those that believe in Aslan. Tash has come to kill and destroy. When people are being throne into the barn with Tash this can be considered the final judgement when sinners are put before God and then condemned to death if they have not believed. Although they might realize that God is real and they are to forever be seperated from him they cannot escape. This refering to the men that got thrown in the barn could not get back out again. Once you make your choice of God or not then you are forever bound to that choice after death. The ape and the donkey can also be interpeted as being Satan (monkey), the donkey as the anti-christ (Satan possessing a man) and Tash (as described above, as being the beast). I like to refer to these three (anti-christ, satan, and beast asn the unholy trinity of Hell).
The White Witch can also be a figure of the Devil in the CoN. Aslan left Narnia and the white witch that came from another world. (Satan being cast out of Heaven into hell/ Earth). The white witch was taken from her world and "thrown" into Narnia where she eventually took over and made forever winter. She took all joy from Narnia and made it a desolate place (for it was always winter). But the people had one main hope and that was their belief in the prophecies of Narnia as discussed above.
The Queen of Underland is a master at deception and can be related to Satan as being the King of Deception, The Father of Lies, etc.
January 3, 2006
After watching the movie The Chronicles of Narnia I have decided it would have been better left as a book than made into a movie. Here are the reasons why. When Narnia was just a book no one was writing books on how to interpet narnia and explain narnia to your kids and family. Now Narnia is no longer a parallel to the Bible it is a source of greed and money. I can go to the store and get more than 5 books that all say they interpet the Chronicles of Narnia. Who is right and who does it for the cash, and who does it just to help people. I could easily publish a book on how to interpet narnia for money, but I will not do so because I feel it would be corrupting what C. S. Lewis stood for and what he wrote the novel for. Now the Chronicles of Narnia is a center for cahs and not a center of God. If you do not agree with me please email me at (please refrain from cursing or using perverse language of any kind).
All these interpetations are my own and are copyright 2005 to Cameron Haley. All the above information belongs to Cameron Haley and was created by Cameron Haley without other books other than The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.
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